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News, education, enlightenment and spiritual renewal. Saving Jewish Lives & Healing Jewish Hearts by providing the Jewish community with Pro-Life Education, Pregnancy Care and Adoption Referrals, and Healing After Abortion.

Sep 12, 2020

This episode tackles the controversial topic of abortion for the unfortunate circumstances of conception for rape and incest, what is called the 1% of abortion cases. We've heard many times even religious Jews credibly justify abortion in these circumstances. Because abortion for the 1% is almost universally accepted today among many people, including Jews, we look to the Torah to correct this self serving corruption of traditional Judaism. We start by studying Power Point slides #22 Circumstances of Conception, and slide # 23 The 1%. Next, we mention a heartwarming and inspiring interview by LiveAction about a woman who recounts her life as a woman conceived in rape and her mother who chose life. We include a second story from the Justice Foundation about safe haven laws that allow unwanted newborns to be dropped off at police and fire stations and hospitals, providing a life saving alternative to unplanned pregnancy. We close this episode with counting  the 18th day of the Omer. Aired 4/27/20.

Circumstances of Conception

The 1%

Pregnant From Rape At 11, My Mother Rejected Abortion

A Safe Haven Should Be Used Instead of Abortion During the Pandemic

Counting the Nightly Omer

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