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News, education, enlightenment and spiritual renewal. Saving Jewish Lives & Healing Jewish Hearts by providing the Jewish community with Pro-Life Education, Pregnancy Care and Adoption Referrals, and Healing After Abortion.

Apr 27, 2021

In this episode we focus on the challenges of educating Jewish abortion advocates. We share a dvar Torah on B'ha'a'lot'cha from Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald about educating Jews who have little understanding or knowledge about Judaism. Rabbi Buchwald explains that outreach efforts work best if teachers promote a process of slow, meaningful change and an appreciation of Judaism rather than a dramatic shift to orthodoxy. 

The educational efforts at the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation are an alternative Jewish educational resource that teaches respect for life in the womb, something that is missing from mainstream Jewish educational curriculum, which focuses on ritual observance rather than Torah principles that conflict with the majority of Jewish woke culture, from whom many Jewish institutions rely on for membership dues and donations.

We turn to our Power Point, Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion  to show slide #71 What Does Rabbi Buchwald Say?

We examine this day in Jewish history and a blood libel massacre in a French town 800 years ago. Jewish abortion advocates perpetuate anti-Semitic sentiments because they are viewed as child murderers akin to the blood libel myth. Many of our established institutions and leaders remain ignorant of the dangerous consequences of their actions.

We share a birth announcement from In Shifra’s Arms and share our appreciation of Jewish leaders like Rabbi Buchwald and the rabbis on our board of directors who speak out in defense of gestational children, and for In Shifra's Arms, the only Jewish pregnancy care resource in the US.  Streamed June 12, 2020.

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald B'ha'a'lot'cha 5779-2019: Giving Our Disciples A Firm Grounding

The Martyrs of Blois

In Shifra’s Arms birth announcement. How happy we are to have this Jewish pregnancy care resource, as well as rabbis who speak out in defense of gestational children.

View our Power Point slides

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