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News, education, enlightenment and spiritual renewal. Saving Jewish Lives & Healing Jewish Hearts by providing the Jewish community with Pro-Life Education, Pregnancy Care and Adoption Referrals, and Healing After Abortion.

Sep 26, 2020

In this episode, we examine how Torah is misused by Jewish abortion advocates to justify unlimited abortion rights. We begin by studying Power Point slide #17 Misuse Of Torah Language and slide #18 What Does Rabbi Nachman Say? One of the most widely corrupted verses is Exodus 21:22-25, a consideration of the...

Sep 18, 2020

In this episode, we look at the original prohibition of abortion in Judaism and then we look at the original narrow exception to the prohibition. From biblical times until today, the 'save the life of the mother' exception has been expanded through corrupted Judaism to allow unlimited abortion for a wide range of non...

Sep 12, 2020

This episode tackles the controversial topic of abortion for the unfortunate circumstances of conception for rape and incest, what is called the 1% of abortion cases. We've heard many times even religious Jews credibly justify abortion in these circumstances. Because abortion for the 1% is almost universally accepted...

Sep 7, 2020

In this episode, we look back to the Jewish leaders who opposed legalizing abortion and fought to preserve life against the growing anti-life political movement. When the pro-life movement was forming in the 1970s, Jewish leaders in New York and Chicago spoke out publicly for life. As late as 1980, Jews were still...

Sep 6, 2020

In this episode, we explore the Torah portion, Metzora, by sharing our Pro-Life Torah Blog. Our tradition explains that a person suffering from skin lesions may actually have a spiritual sickness caused by engaging in slander, gossip, and arrogant self-will. Our sages explain that their suffering comes from an imbalance...