Nov 29, 2020
In this episode we highlight the spiritual and earthly rewards that naturally result from following HaShem's guidance, as well as the existential misery that naturally results from following the secular influences around us. Many blessings arise from saving innocent pre-born children from abortion, especially an inner...
Nov 24, 2020
In this episode, we have a special guest. Bonnie Chernin is the founder of Jewish Life League, an online Jewish resource providing information and resources of traditional and authentic pro-life Judaism.
Bonnie talks about her work and experience as a Jewish women working to save lives and end legal abortion....
Nov 21, 2020
This episode sheds light on a very sinister time in history when abortion was weaponized against Jews in ghettos in Nazi occupied territories.
Decree of 1942: Pregnancy in the ghetto is forbidden. Every pregnancy must be terminated. A pregnancy may be carried to full term only by women who are in the eighth or ninth...
Nov 19, 2020
In this episode, we focus on positive stories about successful outcomes for children born prematurely at 22 weeks gestation and even younger. We then share election results in Colorado that failed to pass a ban on late term abortion (8 states already allow abortion up to birth), and election results from Louisiana that...
Nov 16, 2020
In this episode, we share beautiful life affirming messages from two righteous rabbis who provide Torah based arguments against the utilitarian approach to medicine taken by the UK National Health Service. They are quoted in a story about NHS providers' cost cutting measures in the time of Covid, forcing parents to...