Nov 29, 2020
In this episode we highlight the spiritual and earthly rewards that naturally result from following HaShem's guidance, as well as the existential misery that naturally results from following the secular influences around us. Many blessings arise from saving innocent pre-born children from abortion, especially an inner peace and happiness knowing we protected that which is precious in the Creator's eyes. Conversely, regret, sorrow, despair, rage, bewilderment and fear occur when we separate ourselves from God, the source of love and light. We start by sharing our pro-life blog commentary on this week's Torah portion, Behar, and then study Power Point slide #8 What Does HaShem Say?, and slide #102 Rescue The Innocent. We close the episode with Rabbi Nachman's meditation on the Omer day 36. Aired 5/15/20.
Pro-Life Torah Behar
Pro-Life Torah Bechukotai
Counting the Nightly Omer
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